Botanical Cushions

February 11, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Botanical CushionsBotanical Cushions


I wanted to share both the images and the story behind a recent shoot with a Surrey based company called Botanical Cushions.
Derek, the owner and founder of Botanical Cushions was and continues to be inspired by Susie LeBlond's images of flora and fauna and wanted to create a product using these beautiful and creative images. Cutting a long story short, Derek designed and developed a range of luxury indoor and outdoor cushions. 
I met Derek through Nic Howard of We Love Plants, a brilliant garden designer and plantsman who in 2015 transformed our jungle of a garden. 
Botanical Cushions aim "to create luxury cushions by sourcing images only from independent photographers. Botanical Cushions strive to provide quality cushions that will compliment any setting, a beautiful asset to your home or garden."
Derek required new imagery of all his cushions for his website and as marketing material. The brief was to photograph the entire collection as "cut outs", within a scene and a selection of lifestyle images.
As soon as arrived at the shoot location it was great to see the first lifestyle set was ready for photographing, this was an external shot with a Christmas theme, twenty minutes later we were moving inside to shoot the product shots.  After a short while deciding the composition, the styling of the shots and adding some additional lighting to the existing daylight we very quickly took the first set of product shots.
We then created an all white, clean space to photograph the cushions creating images that would be "cut out" in post production.
These shots took less time than expected so we had time to create some extra interior lifestyle shots to compliment the exterior lifestyle shots we shot earlier in the morning.
We achieved a whole new set of images within half a day, this proves that with good team work, preparation and planning lots can be achieved in a short amount of time. Enjoy the images and check out the full range of cushions at

Botanical CushionsBotanical Cushions Botanical Cushions - Winter Lifestyle - Botanical Cushions - Interior Lifestyle -



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