Haywards Heath Howler Sportive

August 12, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

On Sunday I had a rather lovely day hanging out in the beautiful Ashdown Forest near Tunbridge Wells in East Sussex. I enjoyed the warm sunshine and endured some very heavy rain showers over the course of the day. I was out with Sportive Photo shooting the Haywards Heath Howler Sportive which is organised by UK Cycling Events.  The event featured three routes, 40, 65 and 98 miles long and I was on hand at two different locations to capture the riders. 


The Nikon's take a pounding on events such as this, over the course of the day, I shot nearly 8000 shots, which roughly works out at about 10 shots per person, these shots are thought-out and considered and not "spray and pray". The idea is the individual riders after the event have a good choice of different images to purchase. Using a Pro body and the Nikon 70-200mm lens I supported the camera on my Manfrotto monopod, which is a must to save aching shoulders. My new Kata waterproof cover was required once again, I think I'll do a full post on this product soon... Watch this space for more details and a full review.

The cyclists may have looked shattered towards the end of the route, but it was smiles all round as the event finished in sunshine. A quick download (if using USB 2.0 to download 26gb is quick?!) then home and a pint in the pub.    



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